Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Research into sixth form magazines

In class we looked at a few different sixth form magazines made by students to give us ideas for our own magazine.

Here is the front cover of a magazine that I have annotated called 'High Profile' by students at King Edwards school.

I have also annotated a magazine cover from Combertion Sixth Form.

I don't like the cover of 'High Profile' as the image 

What i have learnt ..


My name is Olivia and I am an A-level Media student.

This is my AS coursework print brief blog, which will chart my progress.

The brief is:
a preliminary task - to produce the front cover and contents page of a new school magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in MCU plus some appropriately laid out text and a masthead.

The main task is to design the front cover, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine which is to include a minimum of 4 original images.